Green Spot Irish Whisky
“The bold, fruit aroma suggests fresh-cut apples and honeysuckle, while the silky palate offers deep, bold flavor. Look for dark honey and clove, edging into tea, oak and cocoa midpalate. Apple freshness brightens the dry finish. An ice cube is the only adornment needed for this well-structured, tasty sipper.” 95 POINTS: Wine Enthusiast
10 in stock
“Made at Midleton Distillery, along with its elder siblings Yellow Spot and Red Spot, this is Irish single pot still whiskey at its most archetypal, and very easy-drinking. The nose is grassy with hints of apples, both baked and right off the tree. The palate is oily and almost chewy, though never too brash—rounded out with vanilla, butterscotch, and tons of honey.” Whiskey Advocate