Campobello Chianti 750ml

Campobello Chianti 750ml


A classic Chianti blend of Sangiovese and Canaiolo from the DOCG appellation. Pleasantly approachable with vibrant acidity and soft tannins, a harmonious bouquet defined by notes of violets and strawberries. A dry red vinified in stainless steel and aged for a brief period in oak to capture the essence of Tuscany.

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SKU: 31291 Category:


A classic Chianti blend of Sangiovese and Canaiolo from the DOCG appellation. Pleasantly approachable with vibrant acidity and soft tannins, a harmonious bouquet defined by notes of violets and strawberries. A dry red vinified in stainless steel and aged for a brief period in oak to capture the essence of Tuscany.